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Create censored images in seconds!

Redacted.pics is a free privacy tool for hidingsensitive information
in your screenshots and photos.

100% Client-side

Your images never leave your device. All processing happens locally in your browser, ensuring your sensitive data remains completely private and secure.

Super Fast

No uploads, instant processing. Skip the wait times of cloud-based tools and get immediate results without any lag or buffering. Perfect for quick edits!


Easy to Use

Simply draw boxes to hide information. Our intuitive interface lets you quickly select and redact sensitive parts of your images with pixel-perfect precision.


Mobile Friendly

Works on all your devices. Redact sensitive information whether you're on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop. The responsive design adapts to any screen size.


Free Forever

No sign-up, no limitations. Use all features without creating an account, providing payment details, or worrying about usage limits. No watermarks, no restrictions!


Smart Features

Keyboard shortcuts for power users. Speed up your workflow with handy hotkeys for drawing, editing, and managing your redaction boxes. Perfect for frequent use!